NRA Certification Programs
FoxFire Training Academy

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FoxFire Training Academy
NRA Certified Training Programs
FoxFire Training Academy is staffed by NRA certified CCW and Pistol instructors, with Chief Range Safety Officer qualifications. Safety is job one! Our NRA training programs for Firearms Safety, Certified Pistol Training and Concealed Carry are designed to provide comprehensive safety and firearms handling education. Many concealed carry programs don't focus on "carrying", and don't spend enough time discussing the techniques necessary to ensure safety.

CCW Training
Have you wanted to obtain your CCW permit?
It's your right under the Consitution of the United States of America to keep and bear arms. That means you have a right to carry a firearm. Rights also come with responsibilities. NRA certified firearms training programs are designed to help you carry safely and responsibly.
Sure, there are shorter, and even less expensive programs. What is your life or your personal freedom worth? Being properly trained is critically important. Our comprehensive firearm safety and live fire programs are the best way to do both!

FoxFire Training Programs
Are you concerned about learning to use your firearm in a class?
50 min
Have you wanted to get your CCW Permit, but didn't know how?
45 min
Basic Pistol Certification is an important for concealed carry.
45 min
Safety is job #1 when it comes to handling firearms.
Want to become a certified Range Safety Officer?
Have you wondered how and when to use a firearm to defend yourself?
FoxFire on the Go